Our Mission
Where comprehensive health services will be provided in an integrated and holistic manner to support, nurture and restore physical, mental, spiritual and emotional health.
Where all residents and communities will enjoy equal access to quality services that are comparable to provincial and Federal standards, while being culturally appropriate.
Where the partnership between the people and the Authority is the foundation for the pursuit of excellence and sustainable health care.
Where the Authority is an effective community based organization accountable to the community, staffed wherever possible by people from the region.
Our Vision
The Athabasca Health Authority (AHA) believes in a future where people and the land are healthy, where communities, families and individuals live in peace and harmony, where traditional values, concepts and health practices are maintained respected and understood in partnership with contemporary care.
AHA believes in a future where communities, families and individuals of the region take responsibility for their health through personal and collective practices and through ownership of the governance, management and delivery of health services in the region.
There is a hope and confidence that being healthy is achievable.
AHA's Principles
- Comprehensive, quality services
- Patient First, Community First
- Culturally appropriate programs & services
- Accountable & transparent
- Employ people from the region
- Support local people in health careers
- Culture of Safety
Holistic and integrated care
Think & act as one
Governance - Board of DirectorsCommunity Selected Representatives
Each AHA community is entitled to appoint a number of directors to sit on the Board for a three year term. The Board is comprised of nine directors who are
selected by their respective communities pursuant to the Membership Formula that is set out in the Unanimous Members’ Agreement.
Administration & the day to day delivery of services and programs are the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
The Board holds meetings on a bi-monthly basis or as needed. The Board meets with the leadership of the region twice a year, during the annual board retreat and during the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
All meetings are open to the public if requested. The Board is transparent and accountable for its decisions.